Good vegetables from the world.
Asparagus is a concentrate of fibre that helps absorb less fat and sugar from foods eaten at the same meal and stimulates digestion, preventing constipation and bloating. They are excellent sources of antioxidant vitamins, especially A, C, E and some of the B group, and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and chromium, which are useful for the proper functioning of the body. Furthermore, these characteristic vegetables are rich in saponins, molecules found in many plants with a cleansing action, these are chemical compounds whose family is very complex, those found in asparagus are scientifically known to have a strong inhibiting power in the proliferation of diseased cells. There is a vast scientific literature developed on the subject at the University of New Jersey, in the United States, which shows that these two saponins, protodioscin and protodiogenin, have precisely this power. In some asparagus cultivars, the concentration of these beneficial molecules is much higher, some containing three or four grams per kilo. These compounds have a recognised nutraceutical activity along with the flavonoids to which the diuretic activity is due. In addition to the benefits of saponins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, asparagus also contains glutathione, which is able to promote purification of the body. This antioxidant substance fights ageing through two main pathways: the intestine and the circulatory system.

Agricola Gloria Srl has collected this information published on various websites, and its sole purpose is to disseminate health advice and promote good practices in the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruit. It doesn’t in any way represent a cure and doesn’t replace medical advice, which should always be consulted before embarking on any dietary regimen.

Agricola Gloria Srl, has always marketed this precious and beneficial fruit, an effective aid to the health of us all for a very long time, selecting the best producers from all over the world.

© 2025 Agricola Gloria

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Via Premuda, 14 – 20129 Milano

Sede operativa Lucca:
Via Leccio, 21 – 55016 – Porcari ( LU )
+39 0583 24371

P.iva 02207690567
