Agricola Gloria good fruit from the world.
Oranges should never be missing from the table. They are perfect allies for a healthy heart, skin and immune system, as well as counteracting ageing and chronic diseases. These citrus fruits, considered on a par with supplements, are a concentrate of substances useful for revitalising the functions of numerous organs. Depurative and remineralising, oranges are also good for keeping in shape: 80-90% of their consistency is provided by water, to which are then added fructose, a good percentage of mineral salts, especially potassium, calcium and phosphorus, and vitamins (starting with C, but also A and B group), many organic acids (including citric acid) and soluble fibres, especially pectin, capable of absorbing water and creating a mass that increases satiety and facilitates intestinal work.
Oranges, therefore, are a pharmacy of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. As far as the former are concerned, vitamin C certainly stands out (53 mg/100 g), which not only protects against free radicals, diseases and viruses, but also facilitates the assimilation of iron and the deposition of calcium and phosphorous in the bones and teeth; this is why oranges prove to be a very useful fruit for pregnant and menopausal women and for anaemic people. Not only that: thanks to their low glycaemic index (35), they are suitable for vitamin C supplementation for those with problems created by sugar. They also contain a good share of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which makes the skin more toned and radiant, followed by niacin (B3), thiamin (B1) and riboflavin (B6), which are excellent for the functioning of the nervous system.
Among the minerals, the one most present is potassium, followed by magnesium, which is why oranges are very useful for athletes, as they prevent muscle cramps after intense and prolonged physical exertion. Finally, citrus fruits such as oranges also have a good calcium content. A helpful substance for the heart’s well-being is hesperidin, a flavonoid contained in the pulp and peel of oranges, which accounts for about 90 per cent of the total flavonoids contained in the fruit. In blood oranges, in particular, over 170 natural chemicals have been counted, including 60 flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties. It is the red colour of the segments with purple hues that is the health secret of oranges; the more the fruit is pigmented with purple hues, the more it is rich in anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants and free radical scavengers; these substances protect tissues against cellular changes and ageing, reduce inflammatory states and protect the heart and arteries.

Agricola Gloria Srl has collected this information published on various websites, and its sole purpose is to disseminate health advice and promote good practices in the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruit. It doesn’t in any way represent a cure and doesn’t replace medical advice, which should always be consulted before embarking on any dietary regimen.

Agricola Gloria Srl, has always marketed this precious and beneficial fruit, an effective aid to the health of us all for a very long time, selecting the best producers from all over the world.

© 2025 Agricola Gloria

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Via Premuda, 14 – 20129 Milano

Sede operativa Lucca:
Via Leccio, 21 – 55016 – Porcari ( LU )
+39 0583 24371

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