Agricola Gloria the good vegetable from the world.
Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), also known as ginger, is a herbaceous perennial plant native to Asia. Its active ingredients are found in the rhizome (root), which is rich in essential oils and antioxidant phenolic compounds. The best known are the gingerols and shogaols with anti-inflammatory action. This spice has various properties and benefits: it is digestive, depurative, helps slimming within a diet, anti-rheumatic, anti-cellulite, also counteracts the formation of intestinal gas and abdominal bloating, disinfects the gastric mucosa also counteracting gastro-oesophageal reflux, reduces blood pressure by improving blood flow. Ginger is also sometimes recommended against motion sickness, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Fresh or in the form of an infusion or herbal tea, ginger fights excess mucus in the respiratory tract and intestines.
The 10 strategic ginger tips to regain your figure and health
1.If you need to calm nausea and fight vomiting, even during pregnancy: chew a few small pieces of dehydrated ginger au naturel. Infusion is not recommended in these cases, as drinking liquids may increase nausea.
2.If you have difficult digestion and suffer from heartburn: Take 1 cup of ginger infusion, 10-15 minutes after meals. To prepare, bring 120ml water to the boil, remove from the heat and add 3-4 thin slices of fresh ginger. Let it stand for 5-7 minutes and drink in small sips, then eat the ginger slices you used for the infusion.
3.If you often have a bloated tummy and your problem is colitis: use ginger in cooking and drink the infusion (see point 2) as needed.
4.If you have high blood sugar and/or cholesterol, it can be helpful to add 2-3g of powdered ginger a day to cooked dishes. Basically, sprinkle ginger over cooked food just before eating it. Alternatively, dilute the indicated dose of powder in 2-3 cups of hot water to drink throughout the day.
5.If you have to combat joint, muscle or menstrual pain, or headaches or inflammatory states: In the case of joint or muscle pain, massage the affected area with 2-3 drops of ginger essential oil diluted in a tablespoon of sweet almond oil (both can be found in herbal shops or pharmacies). In case of menstrual pain, you can apply the mixture to the abdomen and in case of headaches you can massage the soles of your feet with the same mixture after a foot bath. In all cases, including widespread inflammatory states, it is also useful to use ginger in cooking.
6.If your defences are weak: Eat 20g of fresh ginger every day. Basically, weigh out the indicated amount of fresh root, cut it into slices, place them in a food bag, then chew them during the day, preferably away from meals and combine with a few pieces of untreated lemon peel.
7.If you have a cough, bronchitis, sore throat: in these cases an infusion is useful (see point 2), up to 3 cups a day, enriched with 1 teaspoon of honey or thyme per cup and a pinch of turmeric powder.
8.If you have frequent bouts of cystitis: Chew a few small pieces of naturally dehydrated ginger throughout the day and drink up to 5 cups of infusion (see point 2) enriched with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice per cup.
9.If your blood pressure is high: use it in cooking as described in this article, preferably combined with garlic.
10.If your metabolism is slow and you tend to put on weight, or if you suffer from retention and cellulite: use the fresh root in cooking.

Agricola Gloria srl has collected this information published on various websites, and its sole purpose is to disseminate health advice and promote good practices in the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruit. It doesn’t in any way represent a cure and doesn’t replace medical advice, which should always be consulted before embarking on any dietary regimen.

Agricola Gloria Srl, has always marketed this precious and beneficial fruit, an effective aid to the health of us all for a very long time, selecting the best producers from all over the world.

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