Agricola Gloria the good fruit of the world.
Bananas protect the heart and bones, help the skin and kidneys, but are best known for their richness in potassium, one alone contains between 20 and 30 per cent of our requirements. Potassium is a valuable mineral that protects the heart and cardiovascular system, and helps bones and muscles from wasting away. Particularly important among the B vitamins contained in bananas are vitamin B2, which facilitates the elimination of toxins, ensuring healthy hair, nails and skin, and vitamin B6, which is essential for the regulation of hormones. In addition, B-complex vitamins and magnesium have a relaxing effect on the entire nervous system. Bananas contain a good amount of iron, which stimulates the production of haemoglobin, improving the condition of those suffering from anaemia. Due to their high fibre content, eating bananas regularly helps to restore the proper functioning of the intestine and improving intestinal transit.

Agricola Gloria Srl has collected this information published on various websites, and its sole purpose is to disseminate health advice and promote good practices in the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruit. It doesn’t in any way represent a cure and doesn’t replace medical advice, which should always be consulted before embarking on any dietary regimen.

Agricola Gloria Srl, has always marketed this precious and beneficial fruit, an effective aid to the health of us all for a very long time, selecting the best producers from all over the world.

© 2025 Agricola Gloria

Sede legale:
Via Premuda, 14 – 20129 Milano

Sede operativa Lucca:
Via Leccio, 21 – 55016 – Porcari ( LU )
+39 0583 24371

P.iva 02207690567
